
Review legislative and regulatory activity that affect the global tobacco and vapor industries

  • Daily US Legislative Snapshot


    Captures all Federal and State legislative activity occurring each day


  • Weekly US Legislative Report


    Reports all Federal and State legislative activity from the past week


  • US Tax Guide

    A comprehensive description of federal and state tax policies concerning tobacco & vapor products. Covers all states, DC, county and municipal taxing authorities


  • International Tax Guide

    The International Tax Guide contains tariff and tax rate information for 185 countries and the European Union


  • EU Tobacco Products Directive

    An overview of the European Union's Tobacco Product Directive, including decisions, litigation, implementation progress, and more.  Included with membership


  • Global Vapor Regulation

    An overview of global vapor regulation, including standards and implementations.  Included with membership


  • Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

    A guide containing meeting details, implementation progress, adopted texts, decisions, and more for the World Health Organization treaty.  Included with membership
