
Search for economic data including production, consumption, trade, sales by type, brand and company sales/market share, and pricing. Search our guides that track legislative issues including taxation, sales and smoking restrictions. Check out Tobacco China

  • Global News Clippings


    A weekly summary of international industry news by region and subject


  • China Watch


    Provides balance of trade and market data for tobacco & leaf products, along with policy analysis on tobacco, vapor, and leaf products


  • Tobacco China

    An in-depth business, economic, and regulatory description of the tobacco industry in China at the National, Provincial, and Factory levels. Tobacco China is divided into 3 sections: (1) a set of national tables which list by key variables such as leaf statistics, tobacco product statistics, macroeconomic and microeconomic statistics, economic policy (tariffs and taxes) and public policy; (2) a set of provincial tables and 17 individual provincial files which list by key variables such as leaf statistics and tobacco product statistics; and (3) a set of manufacture tables which list by key variables such as tobacco product statistics and microeconomic statistics.


  • World Cigarette Guide

    Compiles all of the economic data concerning the cigarette market for 91 countries around the world. For each country file, the WCG will include cigarette production, consumption and trade figures for the past 10 year period, cigarette sales by type (if available), company market share data, cigarette brand price data and cigarette brand sales/market share data. There is also a country-comparative report.


  • International Tobacco Tax Guide

    Contains the tobacco business information needed to assist in having products legally enter a particular market including a detailed account of country-by-country tariff and tax rates for the tobacco sector for 185 countries and 1 region (the European Union). 


  • EU Tobacco Products Directive

    An overview of the European Union's Tobacco Product Directive, including decisions, litigation, implementation progress, and more.  Included with membership


  • Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

    A guide containing meeting details, implementation progress, adopted texts, decisions, and more for the World Health Organization treaty.  Included with membership


  • Global Vapor Regulation

    An overview of global vapor regulation, including standards and implementations.  Included with membership
