A World of Tobacco & E-Vapor Information at Your Fingertips -- Continuously updated and available on all your devices.

Since the 1980's the TMA has worked to build the world's largest collection of data and text bases of tobacco and e-vapor information available anywhere.  Updates keep your picture of the worldwide tobacco and e-vapor industries current.  In addition to full member benefits, purchase of Platinum gives you access to the following for a 12 month time period:

International Public Policy Guide

Tobacco Litigation Outside the US

International Tobacco Tax & Business Guide

Tobacco China

Tobacco & E-Vapor USA

US Brands Directory (1864-Present)

US Tobacco & E-Vapor Tax Guide

World Cigarette Guide





Pricing - Effective January 1, 2018

 Service Type

Annual Cost 

Platinum - Single User System


Platinum - Company Wide Multi-User

Contact TMA for Pricing Information



For additional information, send an email to tma@tma.org